Read and Write data from/to File
File handling in C++
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> class student { public: int roll; char name[15],f_name[20]; void put(); void get(); void switch_case(); }; student s; void student::put() { clrscr(); fstream file; cout<<"Enter roll no: "; cin>>roll; cout<<"Enter name: "; gets(name); cout<<"Enter father name: "; gets(f_name);"stu.dat",ios::out|ios::app); // file.seekp(0,ios::beg); file.write((char *)this,sizeof(student)); file.close(); getch(); s.switch_case(); } void student::get() { int temp; clrscr(); cout<"Enter roll no: "; cin>>temp; fstream file;"stu.dat",ios::in); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while( *)this,sizeof(student))); { if(roll==temp) { cout<<"roll no. "<<roll<<endl; cout<<"stu name: "<<name<<endl; cout<<"father name: "<<f_name; } } file.close(); getch(); s.switch_case(); } void student::switch_case() { int i; cout<<"Enter your choice (1-Read, 2-Write, 3-exit): "; cin>>i; switch(i) { case 1: s.put(); break; case 2: s.get(); break; case 3: exit(0); default: cout<<"wrong choice "; } } void main() { clrscr(); s.switch_case(); }
Enter your choice (1-Read, 2-Write, 3-exit): 1 Enter roll_no: 1 Enter name: Hitesh Enter father name: Pandit Enter your choice (1-Read, 2-Write, 3-exit): 2 Enter roll_no.: 1 roll no.: 1 stu name.: Hitesh father name: Pandit
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